January 13, 2012

Made By Rae Toddler Backpack

We've recently started going to an Early Childhood Family Education class.  After our few potty sucesses this week - I was so excited that I might be able to bring extra pants and undies to class.  So, in anticipation of "class" I whipped up a toddler backpack using the pattern from Made By Rae. 

The bag is the perfect size for this *almost* 3 year old.  Lucy informed me that she wanted an "elephant pack-pack".  So - a little piping, interfacing, home decor fabric later - we are ready for "class".  Unfortunately there are no undies yet, just diapers.  But I'm still hopeful. 

Here's the backpack.  The photos make Lucy's hair look red, but it's just from the indoor lights.  I'll try to add some better photos after naptime. 

I should add that this pattern is wonderfully written, easy to follow and offers tips to enlarge the pattern or add a lining.  I did neither of those options but will likely line the bag sometime in the future. 


  1. It came out fantastic (and I feel your pain on the potty training :)

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