March 20, 2011

Still not sewing.

My days have been full of nursing, diapers, and cheerios.  I still haven't found a good slice of time to fulfill my wishes of sewing.  I've dreamed and schemed many outfits for summer and haven't stitched an inch.

Here is the sweater I finished knitting for Lucille.  I love the little owls around the yoke.  I have *almost* enough buttons now to finish it off.  The button eyes will be sewn all the way around.

I can't resist showing off our little baby Hattie. Look at that kissable baby belly!

Also, our little girl turned 2!
 And yes, she likes to color with the wrong side of the fancy crayons!

Happy Birthday Lucille!

It's hard to believe that our little pudder has grown so big.  It makes me want to savor each moment even more when I think of how quickly it passes.

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