December 18, 2010

Unpractical Christmas Dresses

The Warhol Dress from MADE has long been on my "To Sew" list.  While ignoring other chores today (laundry, dishes, gift-wrapping, etc...) I whipped up a set of 3 dresses!  One dress is for Lucy, and one for each of her friends that we are visiting tonight)  I wasn't planning on sewing today, much less assembly line sewing...

The free pattern is available on the MADE website.

The dresses will last the 3 kidlets quite a while because of the adjustable side-tie.  So...hopefully they can still wear these in the summer.  I hope they're not too Christmas-y. 

They are completely unpractical because it's been about -25 to 20 degrees in Minnesota this week.  Our little toddlers will need long underwear underneath these adorable dresses.  Red long johns might be cute!

The dresses were made of recycled shirts from my closet or the thrift store.  Two of the shirts were maternity shirts and you can see the back of the dresses hang slightly lower and have a curved hem.  I decided to keep the curve to help cover up the diaper butt that usually peeks out from underneath the dresses.  

Wishing it were warmer...


  1. The girls will look adorable! You are so thrifty, great wrap my present! Kidding...

  2. Haha! I just did wrap your present actually. I used some fabric wrapping paper.

  3. Hi.. really nice to know u, i follow you blog k.. thank's for free pattern download.. Try to make one..

  4. The dresses are cute, but your right impractical for your climate- impractical for IN too. I think they would be cut in flannel- you may have to change the pattern slightly to accommodate heavier fabric. I like the simple look- you could add all sorts of stuff if you wanted them fancy.

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