November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Napkins

We use cloth napkins in our house (and cloth diapers too!).  We have a small collection of handmade napkins and a few that were gifts. 

(Here is where I refused to show a photo of our slightly stained napkins!)

While setting the table for Thanksgiving I noticed that I didn't have any fall/harvest themed napkins.  I wanted to make some napkins we could double as everyday napkins.  So... off I trotted to Target and picked up some plain green napkins.  I decided to embellish them with some simple hand embroidery.  

It's a perfect TV sewing project.  I like to embroider while watching Glee, The Office, or Parenthood!

I drew the design and transferred it with some carbon paper.  I used a running stitch so each napkin takes only about 15 minutes to sew. 
I used a variety of pretty colored embroidery flosses...

and finished my napkins just in time for Thanksgiving.  Our silverware is nicely tucked inside each napkin.

Because they're a bright grass green color - I think they will grace our table for Christmas and Easter too!

This would make a great holiday gift - it's always nice to have a few extra napkins around!


  1. Lovely! Honestly, it had never occurred to me to use running stitch to outline something, but it's a great idea because it's so much quicker than back stitch or stem stitch. Thanks for sharing!
