February 27, 2011


I'm not afraid to admit that I'm an impulsive and instant gratification type of person.  I think that's why sewing children's clothing suits me so well.  I can whip some fabric out of my stash and with a few short seams and a quick press - the outfit is done.  Adult sized clothing seems to take too long.

Here is my lastest adventure: Knitting.  Squishy soft yarn and some straight sticks.

I gave knitting a go a long time ago and decided it wasn't for me.  It takes waaay too long to see the results.  But recently - I tried it again.  I don't love it - but I love feeling the soft fabric and I love knowing that something hand-knit will be loved in a special way and passed down from kid to kid (and maybe grandkid - is that thinking too far ahead?)

I love this tomatoey color.  Charlie called it rust.  Vicky called it orange.  The colors really don't do it justice.  There is a small pinkish hue on some areas that I just love.

I've just finished the sweater (photos soon) My second knitting project.  Complete with cables, short rows, ribbing and grafting.  If that sounds hard - it was!

I wouldn't call myself a knitter.  Yet.

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