December 8, 2010

Christmas Crafty Blogs

It's that time of year again - when the crafty elves go to work sewing until 2 am and making beautiful decorations and presents.  Here are a few of my favorite blogs and their original and inventive Christmas crafts.

 Made - Dana from MADE takes great photographs and can refashion anything into something useful AND beautiful.  She is doing a series on simple handmade gifts. 
The Purl Bee - has great knitting projects.  I don't even knit but I love to look at their gorgeous and cozy creations.
Elsie Marley - is creating a new Christmas ornament (and tutorial) every day!

Happy Together - has an adorable eye for little girl's clothing and is constantly coming up with new dress ideas.

No Big Dill - takes beautiful photos of her crafty life.  Yes, she will make 5 Christmas dresses!  She has one down and 4 to go.  Yikes!

 Grosgrain - is refashioning thrift store sweaters this month.  A new sweater is re-made every day!

Made By Rae - can sew anything!  Quilts, clothing, bags, you name it.  Her craftiness is unmatched. 

I hope you enjoy browsing their sites and are inspired by their seeming unending creativity!

Happy Wednesday!

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