April 16, 2011

Sewing Challenge

I'm so excited for a sewing challenge! 
Kids Clothes Week is coming soon over at Elsie Marley.  
one week 
one hour sewing each day 
Lovely handmade wardrobes for spring/summer!
You can check out clothes from last years challenge HERE (on flickr).
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

April 15, 2011

Lucy Dress Pattern Review

Jennifer over at All Things Belle wrote a fabulous pattern review for the Lucy dress. 

She made an adorable version with red and yellow apples for her daughters school photos. 

Photo: Jennifer Rodriguez - All Things Belle
 Check out the pattern review HERE.

April 12, 2011

Stay-at-home Workout

I'm so glad I have both sets of weights for this allover body workout! 

This stay-at-home workout is hilarious (and honestly it would work!)

My favorite part is: beckon the weight.

April 2, 2011

Giving from the Heart

There is something extra special about a handmade gift.  I know that when I make gifts for others - I carefully plan the project thinking about the recipients favorite colors and styles.  While stitching the project I think about the recipient and how they will use their new gift.  I imagine them opening the gift with glee and wearing it with pride. 
My daughter Hattie has received many handmade gifts from the generous people in our congregation, but one of the most beautiful gifts she has received arrived as a surprise in the mail a few weeks ago.

I can truly appreciate the handiwork of our friend Megan as I have recently begun knitting.  There are quite a few maneuvers that she used that I haven't even begun to learn yet!  The color is absolutely gorgeous and I'm so excited to see our growing baby in this beautiful sweater. 
 Of course I have to sneak in a few photos of Hattie at 2 months!

She's been an absolute joy and we all love her smiles and "ah-goo's".

Thanks again Megan!  I'm sure Hattie will treasure this sweater and the labor of love as she grows into (and out of) it.