January 27, 2012

A video tutorial! Foundation Paper Piecing

So - I'm trying to get my sewing mojo built up to tackle some of the blocks in my Patchwork 318 book.  So, without much preamble and scant forethought - here is my first video tutorial.  The 3 videos turned out much longer than I thought they would - so just skip the parts you already understand!
Toddler-practicing-scissors unfortunately happened at the bottom of the block this morning.  Arg!

I will be making the coffee mug from the pattern graciously provided by the talented Kerry of VeryKerryBerry.blogspot.com using the foundation paper piecing method. The foundation paper piecing method I use is slightly different than the freezer paper method that she demonstrates.

Part 1 - Foundation Paper Piecing setup and Mug Handle assembly

Part 2 - Attaching the mug handle to the mug *body*

Part 3 - Finishing steps, paper removal, reveal!

I'm not sure if I'll do more video tutorials - I didn't know I was so long winded!!  It's odd to watch yourself in a video!

January 19, 2012

::on the worktable::

I got a little hung up on rick-rack and was imagining a cute little peter pan collar edged with rick-rack.  Here is the result.

The white dress is a wee bit small for Lucy - so I had to make another slightly larger.  She's in a size 3 already!  When did that happen?  I'm soo in love with this little dress!

It's 25 below zero today, so it should be called frostbite dress.  Any ideas on names for the new pattern?

Can you see how small it is?  Uber-constricting for an almost 3 year old!

Who loves polka dots?  This is my favorite version!

It's also Hattie's first birthday today!  It seems very fitting that she was born on a -21 degree day and her first birthday is on a -25 degree day!  It may be cold outside but we can't get enough of her sunny personality!   She's already a charmer!

Fellow sewists - advice?
You might notice that from the first version of the dress to the polka dot version I changed a bit. I wanted the collar to be more prominent and I changed the sleeves to a cap sleeve.  I think it looks much better.  I added the apron for fun, but then I had to add a side zipper - yech.  I'm still wondering if I even need the darts on the front of the dress.  Loose dresses look ok on little girls, right?  What are your opinions on darts for little girls and/or side zippers?

January 13, 2012

Made By Rae Toddler Backpack

We've recently started going to an Early Childhood Family Education class.  After our few potty sucesses this week - I was so excited that I might be able to bring extra pants and undies to class.  So, in anticipation of "class" I whipped up a toddler backpack using the pattern from Made By Rae. 

The bag is the perfect size for this *almost* 3 year old.  Lucy informed me that she wanted an "elephant pack-pack".  So - a little piping, interfacing, home decor fabric later - we are ready for "class".  Unfortunately there are no undies yet, just diapers.  But I'm still hopeful. 

Here's the backpack.  The photos make Lucy's hair look red, but it's just from the indoor lights.  I'll try to add some better photos after naptime. 

I should add that this pattern is wonderfully written, easy to follow and offers tips to enlarge the pattern or add a lining.  I did neither of those options but will likely line the bag sometime in the future. 

January 12, 2012

Creamy Fish Pullover and Red Gelish

I've knit another sweater for my growing girl.  This time I used a very economical yarn and a wonderful pattern from Veera.  I'm very pleased with the results!  I used Ecological Wool from Cascade yarns.  It's very easy to work with, but has a slight sheepy smell.  The smell did go away after the washing and blocking. 

I also want to show off my Gelish manicure.  I NEVER rave about products - but I'm absolutely in LOVE with Gelish.  I don't ever think about my nails that much (obviously - take a look at my cuticles), but with Gelish - my nailpolish was on for 10 days without a single chip or dulled shine.  I only took the polish off becuase I wanted to change colors!

Seriously - it's the best polish ever!  It is slightly spendy (I used my Christmas cash to purchase it) but totally worth it.  My nails are super shiny AND they last through multiple hand washings, track practices, sewing stints, etc... 

Here's a link to my ravelry page - for the pattern information.

January 6, 2012

Darling Cardigan Pattern Review

Here is a little link to a review of the Darling Cardigan all the way from Australia!!

You really should click on over and check out her little man and the awesome fabric she used - so stylish!

You can find the Darling Cardigan Pattern in my SHOP.  

Happy sewing everyone!

(side note:  I can't believe my pattern has been used by such talented people!  I actually squealed out loud when I saw it on Made By Rae.  I've been reading her blog FOREVER!  I feel so honored - Thanks sp much to Sophie of Cirque du bebe)